来源:http://www.jnjdbc.com 日期:2020-07-08 发布人:admin
Maltodextrin, also known as water-soluble dextrin or enzymatic dextrin. It is a starch derivative made from various kinds of starch, which is controlled by enzymatic hydrolysis, liquefaction, decolorization, filtration, ion exchange, vacuum concentration and spray drying. It is easy to disperse and dissolve in water. Its raw materials are starch containing corn, rice, etc., and may also be refined starch, such as corn starch, wheat starch, cassava starch, etc.
Maltodextrin is widely used in confectionery, maltodextrin, fruit tea, milk powder, ice cream, beverage, canned food and other food. It is the filler and additive of all kinds of food. Do excellent shopping guide, pay attention to milk powder and sales. Maltodextrin itself has a low nutritional value. It can be added to milk products and other dairy products. It can enhance the taste, expand the volume, not easily lump, dissolve quickly, and improve the stability of food and beverage foam. Maltodextrin is a cheap carbon hydrate. It is only a filling material for milk powder production, and can be extended in milk powder. Product shelf life, so as to reduce production costs.
但是,麦芽糊精的添加对宝宝的成长发育并不能起到显著的促进效果。据了解,市面上的配方奶粉配方基本都是按照标准来配置的,但是在标准里没有明确对麦芽糊精的使用标准,这意味着,对麦芽糊精,标准里没有说不可使用,也没有使用。同时,标准也未对麦芽糊精在婴幼儿奶粉中的比例有明确限定。做导购,关注奶粉与销售。无关技术,关乎良心 部分婴儿奶粉产品的配料表标示含有麦芽糊精,但却没有标示麦芽糊精的具体含量。事实上,有些奶粉为了降低成本,钻政策的空子,在奶粉中大量添加麦芽糊精等添加剂。

However, maltodextrin can not play a significant role in promoting the growth and development of babies. It is understood that the formula formula on the market is basically in accordance with national standards to configure, but there is no clear standard for the use of maltodextrin in the national standard, which means that maltodextrin is not said not to be used in the national standard, nor recommended for use. At the same time, the proportion of maltodextrin in infant milk powder is not clearly defined in the national standard. Do excellent shopping guide, pay attention to milk powder and sales. It is not related to technology, but related to conscience. The ingredient list of some brands of infant milk powder products contains maltodextrin, but the specific content of maltodextrin is not indicated. In fact, some milk powder brands, in order to reduce costs, exploit the policy loopholes, add a large number of additives such as maltodextrin in milk powder.
麦芽糊精本身虽然没有什么危害,但过度的添加会导致奶粉的营养不足,宝宝需转换排出增加肝肾负担,无法吸收其他的营养素,在奶粉里这种低价物质加得越多,其它营养素就会越少,自然商家的成本也相应地降下来了,这是显而易见的。 据业界相关人士介绍,奶粉生产配料过程中,完全可以做到不添加麦芽糊精。奶粉生产过程中,麦芽糊精一般是作为添加剂的一种,在生产后期加入奶粉中进行搅拌混合,使之达到填充的目的。这是个无关乎技术、却关乎企业道德的问题。做导购,关注奶粉与销售。之所以添加这种辅料,许多企业的出发点还是成本方面的考虑。
Although maltodextrin itself has no harm, excessive addition will lead to malnutrition of milk powder. The baby needs to switch to discharge, increase the burden of liver and kidney, and can not absorb other nutrients. The more such low-cost substances are added in milk powder, the less other nutrients will be, and the cost of natural merchants will be correspondingly reduced, which is obvious. According to industry insiders, maltodextrin can not be added in the production of milk powder ingredients. In the process of milk powder production, maltodextrin is generally used as a kind of additive, which is added into milk powder at the later stage of production for stirring and mixing, so as to achieve the purpose of filling. This is not about technology, but about corporate ethics. Do excellent shopping guide, pay attention to milk powder and sales. The reason why add this kind of auxiliary material, the starting point of many enterprises is the consideration of cost.
To sum up, although there are few brands of milk powder added with maltodextrin on the market, merchants should be cautious of maltodextrin when selling or choosing milk powder without maltodextrin.