
来源: 日期:2019-07-01 发布人:admin
结晶葡萄糖依制造工艺的不同可分为一水葡萄糖(C6H12O6.H2O)和无水葡萄糖。水结晶葡萄糖分为食品级葡萄糖和医药葡萄糖,食品级葡萄糖主要用于食品加工业及蔬菜保鲜行业。一水葡萄糖经过加氢可制造山梨醇,医药级一水葡萄糖主要做为口服医药的原(辅)料。一水结晶葡萄糖再继续加工能够制造无水葡萄糖,无水葡萄糖主要用于制造医药针剂和输液。 是复原糖,葡萄糖的化学简式是CH2-OH(CH-OH)CHO,由于有-CHO(醛基),醛基能被氧化为-COOH(羧基),所以葡萄糖有复原性。
Crystalline glucose can be divided into monohydrate glucose (C6H12O6.H2O) and anhydrous glucose according to different manufacturing processes. Crystalline glucose is divided into food-grade glucose and pharmaceutical-grade glucose. Food-grade glucose is mainly used in food processing industry and vegetable preservation industry. Glucose monohydrate can be hydrogenated to produce sorbitol. Medical grade glucose monohydrate is mainly used as raw (auxiliary) material for oral medicine. Crystalline monohydrate glucose can be further processed to produce anhydrous glucose, which is mainly used in the manufacture of medical injections and infusion. The chemical formula of glucose is CH2-OH (CH-OH) CHO. Because there is - CHO (aldehyde group), aldehyde group can be oxidized to - COOH (carboxyl group), so glucose has resilience.
低聚糖具有与单糖相似的性质:结晶性,有甜味,易溶于水,难溶或不溶于有机溶剂。其中局部有复原性如麦芽糖、乳糖、甘露三糖等,局部无复原性、如蔗糖、龙胆三糖等。 由许多单糖分子或其衍生物缩合而成的高聚物称为多糖,又称为高聚糖。可分为同多糖和杂多糖两类。由一种单糖缩合构成的多糖称为同多糖,两种或两种以上不同单糖分子组成的多糖称为杂多糖。单体为葡萄糖的同多糖时能够用无水葡萄糖来权衡,否则不能用无水葡萄糖来丈量。
Oligosaccharides have similar properties to monosaccharides: crystallinity, sweetness, solubility in water, insolubility or insolubility in organic solvents. Among them, there are local resilience, such as maltose, lactose, mannose and so on, while there is no local resilience, such as sucrose, gentian trisaccharide and so on. Polymers formed by condensation of many monosaccharide molecules or their derivatives are called polysaccharides, or polysaccharides. It can be divided into homologous polysaccharides and heteropolysaccharides. Polysaccharides consisting of one kind of monosaccharide condensation are called homopolysaccharides, and polysaccharides consisting of two or more different monosaccharide molecules are called heteropolysaccharides. When the monomer is glucose, the polysaccharide can be weighed by anhydrous glucose, otherwise it can not be measured by anhydrous glucose.
Difference between Medicinal Grade Anhydrous Glucose and Monohydrate Glucose
无水葡萄糖 无水葡萄糖 拼音名:Wushui putaotang 英文名:Anhydrous Glucose 书页号:2000年版二部-53 C6H12O6 180.16 本品为D-(+)-吡喃葡萄糖。
The phonetic name of anhydrous glucose anhydrous glucose: Wushui putaotang: Anhydrous Glucose page number: 2000 edition 2 - 53 C6H12O6 180.16 This product is D-(+) - pyran glucose.
【性状】 本品为无色结晶或白色结晶性粉末;无臭、味甜。 本品在水中易溶,在乙醇中微溶。 比旋度 取本品约10g ,精细称定,置50ml量瓶中,加水适量与氨试液2.0ml 溶 解后,用水稀释刻度,摇匀,放置60分钟,在25℃时依法测定(附录Ⅵ E),比旋度 为+52.6°+53.2°
[Properties] This product is colorless crystalline or white crystalline powder; odorless and sweet. This product is soluble in water and slightly soluble in ethanol. The specific curl of the product is about 10g, carefully weighed and placed in a 50ml measuring bottle. After the appropriate amount of water is dissolved with the ammonia test solution of 2.0ml, the product is diluted with water to the scale, shaken and placed for 60 minutes. The specific curl is determined by law at 25 C (Appendix VI E). The specific curl is +52.6 to +53.2 degrees.
Above is the content of anhydrous glucose Thank you for checking our company's information during your busy schedule. If you want to know more, you are welcome to call for consultation!

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