来源:http://www.jnjdbc.com 日期:2020-05-05 发布人:admin
1 sample pretreatment
Mix the sample well in the sample container. If the sample container is too small, transfer all the samples to a pre drying container with proper volume for mixing.
2 称量皿的准备
2 preparation of weighing dish
将敞开的称量皿(3.2)和盖置于干燥箱(3.3)中,在100 ℃下干燥1 h后移入干燥器(3.6)内,冷却室温,称量,精确0.0002 g。
Put the open weighing dish (3.2) and cover in the drying box (3.3), dry at 100 ℃ for 1 h, and then transfer them into the dryer (3.6), cool them to room temperature, weigh them to the nearest 0.0002 G.
3 weighing sample
称取大约10 g无水葡萄糖或5g一水葡萄糖于称量皿中,盖好盖,精确0.0002g。
Weigh about 10 g of anhydrous glucose or 5g of monohydrate glucose into the weighing dish, cover well, accurate to 0.0002g.

4 Determination
将装有样品、盖好盖的称量皿置于干燥箱(3.3)内,移开盖,在100 ℃士1 ℃烘干4 h,压力不超过13500Pa,在干燥过程中,通过干燥系统(3.5)缓慢地向干燥箱内注入气流。
Place the weighing dish with the sample and cover in the drying box (3.3), remove the cover, dry for 4H at 100 ℃ ± 1 ℃, and the pressure shall not exceed 13500pa. During the drying process, slowly inject air into the drying box through the drying system (3.5).
4h后,关闭真空泵(3.4),使空气缓慢通过干燥系统进入干燥箱内,直到干燥箱的压力恢复常压。取出称量皿前盖好盖,放入干燥器内,冷却室温,称量,精确0.0002 g。
After 4h, close the vacuum pump (3.4), and let the air enter the drying box slowly through the drying system until the pressure of the drying box returns to normal pressure. Take out the weighing dish, cover it well, put it into the dryer, cool it to room temperature, weigh it to the nearest 0.0002g.
Do not place more than four weighing dishes in the dryer at the same time.
Parallel experiments shall be carried out.
Note: if the color of the raw material changes to yellow obviously during or after the experiment, the experiment shall be repeated at a relatively low temperature, which shall be described in the report.
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